all postcodes in BB10 / BURNLEY

find any address or company within the BB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

BB / Blackburn

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BB10 2AA 15 0 53.811548 -2.236632
BB10 2AB 20 0 53.810582 -2.238647
BB10 2AE 27 0 53.808818 -2.240064
BB10 2AF 21 0 53.809455 -2.240478
BB10 2AG 16 0 53.809108 -2.241707
BB10 2AH 8 1 53.799888 -2.226547
BB10 2AL 1 1 53.806129 -2.212564
BB10 2AN 1 1 53.798495 -2.22373
BB10 2AP 2 2 53.801344 -2.227041
BB10 2AR 2 2 53.802411 -2.223312
BB10 2AS 8 0 53.803088 -2.223891
BB10 2AT 1 1 53.803513 -2.220417
BB10 2AU 41 0 53.805327 -2.223387
BB10 2AY 22 0 53.808988 -2.240536
BB10 2BH 50 0 53.813238 -2.222639
BB10 2BJ 14 0 53.813424 -2.224083
BB10 2BL 20 0 53.814468 -2.223071
BB10 2BN 1 0 53.814683 -2.223634
BB10 2BP 2 0 53.8135 -2.224479
BB10 2BQ 3 3 53.805811 -2.217134